
MacOS 10.12

客户端Sequel Pro 1.1.2

MySQL 5.7.17





Connection failed!

Unable to connect to host, or the request timed out.

Be sure that the address is correct and that you have the necessaryprivileges, or try increasing the connection timeout (currently 10 seconds).

MySQL said: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initialcommunication packet', system error: 0






2017-09-26T02:12:03.297648Z 14 [Note] Access denied for user'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

2017-09-26T02:31:12.057623Z 18 [Note] Aborted connection 18 to db:'b2b_test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communicationpackets)

2017-09-26T02:31:12.057776Z 17 [Note] Aborted connection 17 to db:'b2b_test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communicationpackets)

2017-09-26T02:31:12.057838Z16 [Note] Aborted connection 16 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: 'localhost'(Got an error reading communication packets)







MySQL5.7 Reference Manual 

B.5.2.10 CommunicationErrors and Aborted Connections

Ifconnection problems occur such as communication errors or aborted connections,use these sources of information to diagnose problems:

·The error log. See Section 5.4.2, “The Error Log”.

· The general query log.See Section 5.4.3, “TheGeneral Query Log”.

·The Aborted_xxx and Connection_errors_xxx status variables.

See Section 5.1.7,“Server Status Variables”.

· The host cache, which isaccessible using the host_cache Performance Schema table. See Section,“DNS Lookup Optimization and the Host Cache”,andSection,“The host_cache Table”.

If you start the server withthe log_error_verbosity system variable set to 3, you might find messages like this in yourerror log:

[Note] Aborted connection 854 to db: 'employees' user: 'josh'

If a client is unable even toconnect, the server increments the Aborted_connects status variable. Unsuccessful connection attempts can occur for thefollowing reasons:

· A client attempts toaccess a database but has no privileges for it.

· A client uses anincorrect password.

· A connection packet doesnot contain the right information.

· It takes more than connect_timeout seconds to obtain a connect packet. See Section 5.1.5,“Server System Variables”.

Ifthese kinds of things happen, it might indicate that someone is trying to breakinto your server! If the general query log is enabled, messages for these typesof problems are logged to it.

If a client successfully connects butlater disconnects improperly or is terminated, the server increments the Aborted_clients status variable, and logs an Abortedconnection message to the error log. The causecan be any of the following:

·The client program didnot call mysql_close() before exiting.

·The client had beensleeping more than wait_timeout or interactive_timeout seconds without issuing any requests to the server. See Section 5.1.5,“Server System Variables”.

·The client program endedabruptly in the middle of a data transfer.

Otherreasons for problems with aborted connections or aborted clients:

·The max_allowed_packet variable value is too small or queries require more memory than youhave allocated for mysqld.See Section B.5.2.9, “Packet TooLarge”.

· Use of Ethernet protocolwith Linux, both half and full duplex. Some Linux Ethernet drivers have thisbug. You should test for this bug by transferring a huge file using FTP betweenthe client and server machines. If a transfer goes in burst-pause-burst-pausemode, you are experiencing a Linux duplex syndrome. Switch the duplex mode forboth your network card and hub/switch to either full duplex or to half duplexand test the results to determine the best setting.

·A problem with the threadlibrary that causes interrupts on reads.

·Badly configured TCP/IP.

· Faulty Ethernets, hubs,switches, cables, and so forth. This can be diagnosed properly only byreplacing hardware.

See also Section B.5.2.8,“MySQL server has gone away”.






· 一般查询日志。请参见5.4.3常规查询日志

·   状态变量。请参见 5.1.7服务器状态变量 Aborted_xxxConnection_errors_xxx

· 主机缓存,可以使用host_cache性能模式表进行访问 。请参见8.12.5.2“DNS查找优化和主机缓存“host_cache

如果您将log_error_verbosity系统变量设置为启动服务器,则 可能会在错误日志中找到类似的消息:

[Note] Aborted connection 854 to db: 'employees' user: 'josh'





·connect_timeout获取连接数据包 需要 几秒钟的时间。请参见 5.1.5服务器系统变量


如果客户端成功连接,但之后断开连接不正确或终止,则服务器将增加 Aborted_clients状态变量,并将“ 中止连接消息记录到错误日志中。原因可以是以下任何一种:


·客户端已经睡眠超过 wait_timeout interactive_timeout 秒,而不向服务器发出任何请求。请参见 5.1.5服务器系统变量



·max_allowed_packet 变量的值太小或查询需要比你分配更多的内存mysqld。见 B.5.2.9节,“Packet Too Large”


· 线程库的问题导致读取中断。

· 配置不正确的TCP/ IP









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